Visual Art Courses at The Governor's Academy

Our robust selection of courses in visual art include architecture, ceramics, film, lighting and sound, photography, carpentry for theater, and studio art. You can take a deeper dive into the art of storytelling through film, discover the finer points of lighting and sound for theatre, or transform a white canvas into an award-winning painting.

A student learning from a teacher during ceramics class at The Governor's Academy.


Visual Arts Courses

Carpentry for the Theater
Advanced Carpentry for the Theater
Lighting & Sound
Ceramics I
Ceramics II: Building & Beyond
AP Clay & 3-D
3-D Design  
3-D Experimentation/Mixed Media
History of Cinema
Advanced Film & Animation
Honors Research Seminar in Documentary Filmmaking
Photo I
Photo II
AP Photography
Introductory Studio Art
Intermediate Studio Art
AP Studio Art
Independent Study in Visual Arts

student at the governor's academy in byfield ma smiles while doing ceramics



Lissy '25 can be found in the ceramics studio any day of the week. Their insatiable curiosity has developed pottery with a distinct voice and sculptural work that is dynamic and challenges traditional design. As a role model in the studio, Lissy leads "Soup's On," critiques with a keen eye and is always researching new approaches to surface and form. We can't wait to see how their artistic vision develops in AP Ceramics and 3D this year. 



Ryana '24 has immersed herself in filmmaking. Whether filming an original narrative storyline, or creating an informative documentary, Ryana dedicates herself to the process. Her films have earned her awards for the past two years at the Cabot Theater Art As Activism Film Contest For High School Students.


Photography Artist Spotlight

Eliza '24 enjoys making lively experiments with a camera. She favors bold, visually complex photos that display her interest in abstract imagery. Her photos have earned her Scholastic Art Awards, and her inventive, distinctive AP portfolio submission received a top score last year. 

Viewfindings: 1+1>2


Award Winning Artists

Governor's students won an impressive 60 art awards in the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards competition this year! Govs artists earned 15 Gold Keys, 15 Silver Keys, and 30 Honorable Mentions. Especially impressive are the five awards that our students won for their portfolio work, which is considered the most advanced level of art in the competition. 

Pictured is Miffy Wang '24 Gold Key winning photograph "Marooned".