What do Govs donors care about?

What do Govs donors care about?
Leslie Dickey, Director of Advancement

Gift story highlights from the year.

Each year, nearly 2,000 people make a charitable gift of some kind to The Governor’s Academy. For each and every one of these gifts, we are deeply grateful.

Every gift that comes through the door here makes a difference. How exactly do they make a difference, you might ask? Here are just a few examples of impact.


Athletics is a cornerstone of the Govs experience, teaching kids character, how to sacrifice for a team, and how to meet a goal together. Every student participates in the athletics program at Govs, with many finding their way to the roster of one or more of our 25 varsity teams. Gifts to The Governor’s Fund – Athletics supports coaching, conditioning, sports medicine, equipment, transportation, and facilities maintenance.

Financial Aid

Nearly one-third of students at Governor’s receive financial aid, and the majority of this aid is made possible through gifts to The Governor’s Fund - Financial Aid. Gifts to this fund help keep tuition far below the actual cost of a Govs education and enable us to offer financial support to as many families as possible. Financial aid is also funded substantially through gifts to our endowment. Many donors interested in supporting endowment for financial aid do so by establishing a scholarship fund in honor of a family member, teacher, mentor, or coach.

Teaching and Learning

For many alumni donors, their inspiration to give to Govs is grounded in their admiration for teachers who made an impact on their lives while they were students at Govs. Talented and caring teachers are a hallmark of the Govs experience. Gifts to The Governor’s Fund - Teaching Support help to attract and retain stellar faculty, sustain the 5:1 student/teacher ratio, and provide opportunities for experiential and place-based learning. Something new is always happening in the classroom at Govs – fueled by gifts in support of teaching and learning.

And the impact goes on! Donors can choose to direct their annual fund support to nearly every area of school life – the Arts, DEI, Student Life, GovsPLUS. Each of these is an area that thrives on support from The Governor’s Fund.

Behind every gift, there is a story. What motivated the donor? What did they choose to support and why? How did the act of making that gift make them feel? Why was now a good time to give? So many good questions!

With a vibrant alumni community that spans nine decades, and a community of parents and grandparents of our students who care as much about Govs as our alumni do, the answer to these questions runs the gamut – and runs deep, too.

I hope you will click here to read a bunch of great stories from donors who support something they care about at Govs. If you are interested in supporting something you care about but aren’t quite sure how to do it, contact me!


Author: Leslie Dickey, Director of Advancement

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